"Stalingrad" concert at Silkeborg Art Museum

The world premier of Hans-Henrik Nordstrøm’s work “Stalingrad – the place that is not” took place on November the 4th, 2007. The work was composed in 2005 with the support of the Danish Art Council and the world premier took place on a concert arranged by the Silkeborg Art Museum (the largest collection of Asger Jorn’s art) and its director Dorte Kirkeby Andersen. The ensemble Sax & Slagværk (Sax & Percussion), which had commisioned the work, presented the premier which was attended by a large audience. The performance took place in front of Asger Jorn’s painting “Stalingrad” which was created during the years 1957-72 and is one of the most outstanding and noteworthy works in danish art and included in the Danish Culture Canon.Hans-Henrik Nordstrøm created the musical work deeply fascinated and moved by Jorn’s painting and in the music the composers is expressing the deep frozen silence which followed the bloody and horrendous battle between the intruding nazi army and the armed forces of the Soviet Union which at last crushed the German army and thus turned the development in World War II. After the concert the composer decitated the work to Dorte Kirkeby Andersen as a appreciation of her efforts to facilitate the world premier of the musical work in front of Asger Jorn’s painting.